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What does transformation look like and why is it important?


The Bible tells us in Romans 12:2 that we are not to be conformed to the pattern of this world, but we are to be transformed. The Greek word for transformed is the same word for metamorphosis. It is the same picture of a caterpillar changing into a beautiful butterfly. There is a complete change. The butterfly cannot change back into a caterpillar. Likewise, we who are in Christ, must undergo a complete metamorphosis. We go from sinner to saint. When we are in Christ, we are a new creation. The old is gone and now we are new in Christ, but we cannot stay there. We are to undergo a transformation to be image bearers of Jesus in this world. Now, the process of transformation looks differently for each person, and feels different for everyone as well. That is where Steeple House comes in. We desire to help people come to a deep, personal, transformative relationship with Jesus. How are you changing in your life since you've been saved? Have you been saved? Do you believe in Jesus, and are you living a life for Jesus? Do you read God's word? Do you feel close to Jesus? I hope so. If not, we can help.

One way people can grow in a deep, personal, transformative relationship with Jesus is having an active prayer life. Going to God in prayer is vital for a healthy spiritual life. Many people struggle in prayer. Some don't feel close to God, or that God isn't listening to them. Others feel that they struggle with the words to speak, or are unsure of the method of prayer. If you are someone who struggles in prayer, try various means in prayer. Speak from your heart, go for a walk and pay attention to the beauty of creation. Sometimes praying the words to a song, or coloring in a coloring book helps as well. There are so many different ways to connect with God (we will have many more communication on prayer in the future), the important thing is to be comfortable praying to God and start communicating with Him. Prayer changes things and helps the transformation process to start. If you have questions about transformation, or about how to pray to fit your unique style and giftedness, please email us and we can start helping you on your journey right away. I pray you will one day be a beautiful butterfly bringing joy and color in this world while flying high.

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